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How does it look when the HAN reader operates normally?

The HAN reader receives both power and electricity data from the HAN port in the electricity meter. Since sending electricity data requires a lot of energy, the device must first recharge. When it recharges, it blinks yellow. As soon as it has charged enough energy, it will attempt to connect to the network. It will either blink red or emit a purple light, depending on which version of LED lights the device has. If it successfully connects to the network, it will show a green light. In previous versions of LED, the device will only glow green for a few seconds before the light turns off, while for the new versions of LED, the green light will not turn off but will remain constant while in operation. This means the HAN reader is online and sending data.

In cases of poor coverage, it may need to recharge intermittently. During such times, it will disconnect from the network, start blinking yellow, and then reconnect once it has recharged.

Note: The device produces distinct sounds (described as crackling or humming) during setup and when it sends data during normal operation. This doesn't necessarily mean that something is wrong; it usually indicates that the device is functioning as intended.

Video of the HAN reader being connected to the electricity meter, blinking yellow while charging, blinking red when connecting to the network, lighting up green when it is online, and then the light turns off. This is the operating pattern during connection if you have the previous version of LED.

This video has been edited for length; the HAN reader can blink yellow for an extended period before changing to red blinking. In this case, we also see that the LED light blinks red only once. The duration of the red blinking will vary depending on how long the HAN reader takes to connect to the network.