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Notification for Hourly Consumption/Power and Prices

  • The monitoring unit and the background system can provide a fairly accurate indication of the current hourly consumption even before the hour is over. The user can set an optional limit in terms of Wh for which they want to receive notifications. The following notifications may be generated once an hour if the conditions in the home trigger them:
    • _At the halfway point of the hour, if the preliminary hourly consumption x2 is equal to or higher than the defined limit: _ Notification that the consumption is about to exceed the limit, including the consumption so far.
    • _At the halfway point of the hour, if the preliminary hourly consumption is already equal to or higher than the defined limit: _ Notification that the consumption has already exceeded the limit, and by how much.

How to set it up

  1. Side menu with a button to navigate to “Varsler” (notifications)

Navigere til “Varsler”

  1. Notification page with a segment for power notifications/hourly consumption.


  1. Dialog box to set a custom limit for triggering notifications on a given device.

Dialogboks for egendefinert grense

  1. Notification overview with a consumption limit set.

Varseloversikt med en forbruksgrense satt.

Explanation of notifications about electricity prices (hourly spot prices)

  • The so-called "day-ahead" spot prices are usually available between 12:00 and 13:00 CET/CEST. After obtaining them, we analyze them against the following trigger values:

    • The price is above 1 NOK/kWh for one or more hours.
    • The difference between the lowest and highest hourly price is 50 øre/kWh or more.
    • The highest hourly price is at least 3 times higher than the lowest.
  • If a user has enabled such notifications for a zone, we send out a push notification at 17:00 CET/CEST when one or more of the triggers are activated. If multiple zones are enabled, we will send a notification per zone that triggered the alert. Unfortunately, at the moment, we have nothing that distinguishes these different sources, but for the relatively few users who follow more than one zone, the price overview in the app can still be used to get an overview.

  • NB: Electricity prices in some regions have been consistently high and have triggered notifications almost every day since winter 2021. We are aware of this and are continuously working to make the system smarter regarding regional differences and external factors that may affect it.

How to navigate and enable?

Navigere til varsler

Side menu with a button to navigate to "Notifications"


Main page for notifications. The first segment deals with notifications for tomorrow's prices and contains a link to a reference map.

Referansekart soner

Reference map for electricity zones in Norway. The resolution along the borders may not be very high here, but it provides a good indication for most users.

Aktiverte soner

Main page for notifications, with two zones activated. The user can turn these on or off at any time. The activated zones will then trigger notifications at the next 17:00 dispatch if the conditions dictate so.