Sharing and naming
Sharing device access and naming the device
Sharing device access with other users is done as shown in the screenshots below:
List of all devices the user has access to. The gear icon appears to the right of the device name, but only if you are the owner of the device.
Main page for device selection. Here, the user can open a dialog box for adding a new user by clicking on the "legg til" link. Users can also be removed by clicking on the red trash can icon to the right of added users.
Access sharing dialog box. It is important for the user to verify that the correct email is entered and to trust the person with whom consumption data is shared.
Access removal dialog box. When access is removed, the respective user loses the device from their overview without notification. If the deletion was accidental, the user can easily add the same user again by following the steps above.
** Naming the device is also done here. Follow the Sidebar —> Mine enheter —> Gear icon next to the relevant device.**
Here, users can edit the device name through a simple dialog box that appears when the user clicks on the input field marked “enhetsnavn”. Pressing “lagre” will store the name in the database and become the current display name for everyone with access to the device.